Bible Studies, Resources, Training Guidance
…promoting and supporting growth to maturity in Jesus
Bible Studies
Bible studies designed to help you and your group understand and practice different passages and key facets of life as one of Jesus’s disciples.
Bible Study Resources
Resources to assist your study and application of Scripture. These resources include New Testament word lists and comments on various passages and themes of Scripture.
Training Resources
Resources designed to help you improve your practice of training fellow disciples.
Promoting and Supporting Growth to Maturity in Jesus
The resources available on this site are intended to support your growth to maturity in Jesus. These resources are for all Christians, though leaders will find them particularly helpful. New content is regularly added. You will find Bible studies valuable for individuals and groups, resources to support your study, book reviews, and training guidance and recommendations. My desire is for all of us to grow together into maturity in Jesus.
Since the focus of the available resources is on growing to maturity in Jesus, please scroll through the three example maturity models to the right.
Please partner with us by using our resources, sharing them, participating in the conversation.
Verses for New Life Introduction
How do you study Scripture.The Lord designed Scripture to teach us about himself, how to seek him, life, what growing into the image of Jesus is, relationships, priorities, so much more. However, scripture isn’t given just for us to learn. Scripture is given to fuel...

Romans 8:12-13
In Romans 8:12-13 Paul continues adding to his thoughts. He now begins telling us what it looks like to live a life of living by the Spirit rather than living enslaved to the desires of the flesh. We don’t have to live by the flesh anymore. Through Jesus you and I can...

Romans 8:9-11
In Romans 8:9-11 Paul reassures his friends who may have been concerned about their relationship with the Lord after hearing Romans 8:6-8. As we read Romans 8 we need to remember that it is in the flow of the rest of Paul's letter. He builds on some points that he has...

Romans 8:6-8
In Romans 8:6-8 Paul builds on his previous comments. He's comparing and contrasting to approaches to life, life focused on the flesh and life focused on the Spirit. Check out the video for Paul's flow of thought and the important points he's making. You see, when we...