Consolidated New Testament Word Lists

This 73 page list consolidates our published New Testament word lists. As you read the New Testament you will likely wonder what word is used in a particular verse. At these times you can refer to this list to determine which word is used in that verse. Then access the specific list for a fuller understanding of that word. This resource will be expanded as more lists are completed.

I find this an invaluable tool in my personal study of Scripture. The words are listed as Passage: Primary list, sub word. The number of times a word appears in a verse is listed if the word appears more than once in a verse. The words are listed in alphabetical order based on how they are often translated if a verse contains more than one word from a published list.

This consolidated list also includes the lists that describe our new character in Christ which are found in my book Christian Character: New Testament Passages.

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Review our available word lists that detail all the New Testament references to important topics.

Word lists have long been one of my favorite study tools. This book provides all the words from the New Testament that are translated as a description of Christian character. Use this resource to deepen your understanding of the new character the Lord is forming in us by His Spirit. Read, study, and pray through the lists. Practice what you learn, expecting the Lord to transform your character as described in these passages. He will, because this is his desire!